A special tribute to the Cookstar

The development of this product could not take place without the technology of the Cookstar oven, an investment made by the Finlar Fine Foods team over six years ago. This is the first time that a product has been successfully taken to market by Finlar using the unique capabilities of the Cookstar. The Cookstar uses three variables — speed, temperature and humidity — in its unique two-stage cooking process, making it more complex and capable than any other commercial oven.

Without the Cookstar, Southern Fried Chicken, would not have its amazing home-styled texture and taste. None of our other ovens was able to achieve what the Cookstar does in half the time, with half the energy required.

It’s all about the Science

“Finlar is able to develop core iconic products, like Southern Fried Chicken Portions, because we invest heavily in the science throughout the development stage, from the natural ingredients sourced for the flavour, to the texture of the finished ready-to-eat product, and the sustainable packaging,” says Maruis Marais, Commercial Executive of Finlar. “We understand the various chemical and physical properties and components of food and how they respond to processing, preservation, packaging, storage and distribution. From the harvest to the table, our delight is when consumers enjoy the final product, and make the decision to purchase it again.”